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"In Pennsylvania, Natural Gas Industry Flexes Its Muscle"

The gas-drilling boom that is sweeping Pennsylvania is demonstrating the power of money to overcome landowners' reluctance and influence legislators and regulators. This fall, a gusher of gas-industry political campaign donations is spewing.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010
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"EPA Issues Final Plan for Auditing Rejected Texas Permits"

"For the roughly 130 power plants, refineries and other facilities embroiled in the air permitting dispute between U.S. EPA and the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, a new program being finalized by EPA could allow them to get on with business as usual."

Source: Greenwire, 09/22/2010

"Oil Company Fined in Royalty Case"

"WASHINGTON — Nearly seven years after a government auditor charged that an oil  company had cheated the government out of millions of dollars in royalties, a federal judge has ordered the company to pay nearly $23 million in penalties — including $5.7 million to the auditor who uncovered the problem."

Source: NYTimes, 09/22/2010

"Toxic Overflow" (Part 1)

"The contamination of many First Nations by unregulated landfills and dumps is a dirty story that has yet to be fully told. Aside from the mess you can see – and smell – the risk of groundwater pollution is probably the most severe environmental impact from these waste sites. Add an improperly engineered garbage dump and the results are more than toxic."

Source: APTN, 09/22/2010

"MSHA Increases Rock Dust Standard"

"Citing a 'grave danger' to the nation's coal miners, the Obama administration said Tuesday that mine operators must take additional steps to control the buildup of highly explosive coal dust underground."

Source: Charleston Gazette, 09/22/2010

Senators Introduce Bipartisan Bill on Renewable Energy Standard

In a last-gasp effort to pass some energy legislation this year, a bipartisan group of senators introduced a bill requiring utilities to generate at least 15 percent of their electricity from renewable sources. But they do not yet have the votes, and the first chance for action would be in a lame-duck session. The House has already passed such a bill.

Source: Green (NYT), 09/22/2010

"Coastal Restoration Trust Fund Idea Backed by America's Energy Coast"

"The federal government should establish a trust fund to pay for coastal restoration  projects in states along the northern Gulf Coast, to be initially financed by penalties paid for violating federal laws, including 80 percent of any fines levied as a result of the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, concludes a report released Tuesday by America's Energy Coast and its parent America's Wetland Foundation."

Source: New Orleans Times-Picayune, 09/22/2010

"10 Given Heinz Awards for Environmental Work"

"A photographer who took more than 500,000 photographs documenting global warming worldwide is among 10 people who were named Heinz Award winners Tuesday. This year's awards recognized environmental challenges. The awards each come with a $100,000 prize."

Source: AP, 09/22/2010

FBI Wrongly Put Greenpeace, PETA, on Terrorist List: IG

FBI agents during the Bush administration "investigated members of the environmental advocacy group Greenpeace over their protest activities 'with little or no basis,' [a Justice Department Inspector General's] report said. Agents kept the case open for more than three years, even though no charges were filed, and put the activists on a terrorist watch list, it said."

Source: Wash Post, 09/21/2010
