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"Big California Solar Energy Push Moves Forward"

"California's long-awaited boom in solar power plant construction took a major step forward Wednesday when state regulators approved the first in a string of projects that will soon blanket thousands of acres of desert with mirrors harnessing the energy of the sun."

Source: San Francisco Chronicle, 08/26/2010

"Covert Operations" -- Billionaire Brothers Kingpins of Science Denial

Billionaire Brothers David and Charles Koch, who own the petroleum-based Koch Industries, are among the top ten air polluters in the country and stout opponents of environmental regulation. Their empire has vastly outdone ExxonMobil in funding opposition to legislation to control climate change and has been dubbed by Greenpeace a "kingpin of climate science denial."

Source: New Yorker, 08/26/2010

"Atrazine Threat to Male Sexual Development Revealed"

"Male rats exposed before birth to low doses of the weedkiller atrazine are more likely to develop prostate inflammation and to go through puberty later than non-exposed animals, finds a new study conducted by federal government scientists."

Source: ENS, 08/26/2010

"U.S. Spill Panel Question Drilling Policy"

"The BP oil spill  was a massive 'failure' in government oversight and administrations should be forced to consult with experts in the field before making expansive drilling policy, top officials of the White House's oil spill commission said on Wednesday."

Source: Reuters, 08/26/2010

PEER Petitions NOAA To Un-Muzzle Agency Scientists

Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility says if NOAA repealed its Don't-Tell press policy, agency scientists would again be able to freely talk to the taxpayers about tax-funded research.

Will Feds Shut Down Independent Research on Gulf Spill Impacts?

USFWS officers and DHS agents are not allowing independent academic researchers to study damage from the BP oil spill to natural resources from public lands and waters, saying they are justified by the "Natural Resource Damage Assessment" process under the Oil Pollution Act of 1990 and "national security," respectively.
