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"Egypt and Thirsty Neighbors Are at Odds Over Nile"

Egypt's 80 million people have always depended on the Nile River. Under a 1929 treaty, 80 percent of the river's flow is reserved for Egypt and Sudan, which were then ruled as a single country. Now the seven upstream countries (Ethiopia, Uganda, Tanzania, Kenya, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Burundi, and Rwanda) want to revise the treaty, calling it an unfair relic of colonialism.

Source: NYTimes, 09/27/2010

"Gas Blasts Spur Questions on Oversight"

A 2008 natural gas explosion that killed a man in Sacramento "was one example of what many experts and studies say is weak oversight of gas pipelines in the United States, a problem that has contributed to hundreds of pipeline episodes that have killed 60 people and injured 230 others in the last five years. Those figures do not include the final toll of the explosion of another Pacific Gas and Electric pipeline this month in San Bruno, Calif., that left seven people dead and more than 50 injured."

Source: NYTimes, 09/27/2010

"Aid Sought for Nuclear Plants"

"The federal loan guarantee program and other aid for new nuclear plants may not be enough to induce Constellation Energy to build a third reactor at its Calvert Cliffs site, 40 miles south of Washington, the company’s president and chief executive said on Thursday."

Source: NYTimes, 09/24/2010

"A Troubling Decline in the Caribou Herds of the Arctic"

"Across the Far North, populations of caribou — an indispensable source of food and clothing for indigenous people — are in steep decline. Scientists point to rising temperatures and a resource-development boom as the prime culprits."

Source: YaleE360, 09/24/2010

"Massey Managers Sue To Block Disaster Interviews"

"Six Massey Energy management personnel -- including the company's corporate safety director -- have filed suit challenging subpoenas that would force them to answer questions about the April 5 explosion that killed 29 workers at Massey's Upper Big Branch Mine."

Source: Charleston Gazette, 09/24/2010

"Great Lakes Getting Dirtier, Watchdog Warns"

"Great Lakes pollution is getting worse because sewage systems are outdated and Ontario’s north is turning into a Wild West for miners and forestry companies, warns Environmental Commissioner Gord Miller."

Source: Toronto Star, 09/24/2010

Renewable Energy Standard Bill Gathers Steam in Senate

"A bill to enact a federal mandate  for renewable electricity is gathering steam in the Senate. And unlike many issues in Washington these days, the measure is gaining support on both sides of the aisle. On Thursday, Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) became the latest Republican to back a renewable electricity standard (RES)."

Source: Mother Jones, 09/24/2010
