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"Nuclear Road Trip: Shipping Uranium A Complex Task"

"A shipment of bomb-grade uranium arrived at a secure facility in Russia Monday, sent from a research reactor in Poland as part of a race to secure dangerous radioactive material around the world. There was no way to mistake the shipment for something innocuous like Polish sausage — the trucks were escorted by heavily armed police officers and plastered with large radioactive signs."

Source: NPR, 10/11/2010

"Economy Sandbags Plans for Nuclear Reactors"

Plans for one of the first new nuclear power reactors in decades -- a third unit at Calvert Cliffs, Maryland, were put on hold by Constellation Energy. The Energy Department said the project is so risky that Constellation must pay high fees if it wants the U.S. taxpayers to guarantee construction loans. But those subsidies were not high enough for Constellation. The demise of its poster child raised questions about the so-called "nuclear renaissance."

Source: NYTimes, 10/11/2010

"Global Climate Rally Attracts Thousands"

"Environmental campaigners planted trees, collected rubbish and rallied against pollution on Sunday for what organisers aimed to make the world's biggest day of climate-change activism."

Source: AFP, 10/11/2010

"White House Pushes Back on Spill Report"

"The White House is pushing back against the draft reports the National Oil Spill Commission released Wednesday  on the Deepwater Horizon oil spill that included scathing criticism of the administration's handling of the disaster. The reports' harshest criticism was directed toward the administration's handling of information about the size of the spill and the extent of the damage."

Source: Mother Jones, 10/08/2010

Broad Call for Faster Action on NYC School PCBs

"A coalition of elected officials and unions called on Thursday for faster action from the city and federal government to monitor and, if necessary, remove hazardous chemicals known as PCBs from as many as 700 city schools, calling the problem a 'serious health threat.'"

Source: NYTimes, 10/08/2010
