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"House Republicans Try to Undo EPA Air Pollution Rules"

"Republicans in Congress are introducing legislation to curtail the role of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in regulating greenhouse gases under the Clean Air Act and to prevent and roll back regulations intended to reduce air pollution such as mercury emissions from cement plants. These efforts amount to attacks on the nation's health, the advocacy coalition Health Care Without Harm said [Tuesday]."

Source: ENS, 01/12/2011

"A Plague of Pigs in Texas"

"Now numbering in the millions, these shockingly destructive and invasive wild hogs wreak havoc across the southern United States."

Source: Smithsonian, 01/12/2011

Groups Praise Wounded Rep. Gifford as Environmental Champion

"Arizona Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, who was critically wounded Saturday in an asassination attempt at a mall parking lot in Tucson, was a longtime ally of the environmental movement and recipient of the Sierra Club's 2005 "Most Valuable Player" award from the Grand Canyon Chapter."

Source: ENS, 01/12/2011

"Fluoride in Drinking Water: Will the EPA Get Tougher?"

"Environmental health groups are now looking to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to impose tougher standards on fluoride in drinking water, building on a decision Friday by the federal Department of Health and Human Services to lower the recommended level for the first time in nearly 50 years."

Source: LA Times, 01/11/2011

"Issa's Regulatory Rehash"

"New House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chair Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) drew attention last week when he solicited advice from a number of corporations, trade groups and organizations about federal regulations covering a variety of issues. A number of energy companies, manufacturers were on the list that are likely to focus on regulations from the Environmental Protetion Agency in their response.  The letter raised some eyebrows in DC, of course."

Source: Mother Jones, 01/11/2011

"Tom DeLay, Former U.S. House Leader, Sentenced To 3 Years in Prison"

"Former House majority leader Tom DeLay, the brash Texan who helped build and tightly control a Republican majority in his chamber until resigning in 2005, was sentenced by a state judge on Monday to three years in prison for illegally plotting to funnel corporate contributions to Texas legislative candidates."

Source: Wash Post, 01/11/2011

"Worried Homeowners Want Bailout from DuPont"

"Fearful that pollution from a nearby DuPont factory is harming their health and property values, a growing number of Pompton Lakes [NJ] residents want the company to guarantee the price of their homes — or buy them out."

Source: Bergen Record, 01/11/2011
