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"Thaw of Earth's Icy Sunshade May Stoke Warming"

"Shrinking ice and snow cover in the Northern Hemisphere is reflecting ever less sunshine back into space in a previously underestimated mechanism that could add to global warming, a study showed."

Source: Reuters, 01/18/2011

"Vermont Group Catalogs Hazardous Waste Sites"

"Vermont's scenic vistas and unspoiled natural assets get lots of attention. But there's also plenty of hazardous waste and pollution, according to a nonprofit group that released a town-by-town listing of the state's toxic threats Monday."

Source: AP, 01/18/2011

"Dallas County Clear Air Task Force a Model for Others"

"It's not the kind of crime that's likely to appear on CSI. But counterfeit vehicle-inspection stickers that end up in Dallas County have links to deadly drug gangs in Mexico and human smuggling. They contribute to health-threatening pollution problems that also constrain business development in North Texas."

Source: Dallas News, 01/18/2011

DEADLINE: Indigenous Media Awards

The Indigenous Journalists Association (IJA) annually recognizes excellence in covering Indian Country by Indigenous and non-Indigenous journalists across the U.S. and Canada, including students. Deadline: Mar 22, 2024.
