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"Study Says Navy Must Adapt to Climate Change"

"A report commissioned by the United States Navy concludes that climate change will pose profound challenges for the sea service in coming decades, including a need to secure Arctic shipping lanes, prepare for more frequent humanitarian missions and protect coastal installations from rising seas."

Source: Green (NYT), 03/11/2011

Tsunami Hits Hawaii; Wash., Ore., Calif. Evac Warnings

An 8.9 magnitude earthquake struck Japan, shutting down major systems, killing at least 40, and causing a tsunami. Nuclear plants were shut down on an emergency basis after the cooling system at one plant failed. Tsunami warnings were issued through much of the Pacific, including Hawaii and parts of the U.S. West Coast and South America. Potential impact of tsunami on Hawaii within minutes of 8 am EST as hotels evacuate vertically.

Source: Wires, 03/11/2011

GreenStock Expo and Concert

This three-day music event in Scottsdale, AZ will feature 20 national headliner bands and green companies exhibiting their sustainable products at the free expo. Both the concert stage and expo booths will be powered by solar and other types of alternative energy.

DEADLINE: Science Communications 2011

This unique, intensive program, August 13-28, 2011, offers professionals in both science and communications an opportunity to learn print, visual, interactive media, and other communication formats from some of the world's leading science communicators in beautiful Banff, Alberta. Apply by April 15th.

"Swiss NGO Links Los Angeles Killing to Timber Corruption in Malaysia"

"Protests over timber corruption that has made a billionaire of the chief minister of the Malaysian state of Sarawak and enriched his family at the expense of the state's indigenous and other citizens have spilled over to the streets of San Francisco, Seattle, Ottawa and London." Now there are charges of a political murder on US soil.

Source: ENS, 03/10/2011

"Ice Sheets Melting Faster Than Earlier Estimates"

"The vast ice sheets of Greenland and Antarctica are melting faster than previously estimated and that melting is accelerating, according to a new report that verifies 18 years of melting via two independent techniques."

Source: Wash Post, 03/10/2011
