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"AP: Pennsylvania Accused of Rubber-Stamping Gas Permits"

"Pennsylvania environmental regulators say they spend as little as 35 minutes reviewing each of the thousands of applications for natural gas well permits they get each year from drillers intent on tapping the state's lucrative and vast Marcellus Shale reserves."

Source: AP, 04/14/2011

"GOP Marks Oil Spill Anniversary With Drilling Push"

"We're one week away from the first anniversary of the worst oil spill in the nation's history, and to commemorate it, House Republicans spent Wednesday marking up a trio of bills that would dramatically increase drilling in the US."

Source: Mother Jones, 04/14/2011

Walker, Prosser Crushed Regs On Koch Phosphorus Pollution In Wisconsin

Wisconsin GOP Gov. Scott Walker's payback to the billionaire Koch brothers who helped elect him went beyond crushing unions to deregulating pollution. According to the liberal blog Think Progress, Walker and state Supreme Court Judge David Prosser worked quietly behind the scenes to allow Koch's Georgia Pacific paper plants to keep dumping thousands of pounds of phosphorus into the Fox River near Green Bay.

Source: Think Progress, 04/14/2011

"U.S. Nuclear Regulator Lets Industry Write Rules"

"The Davis Besse incident has resurfaced in the wake of the ongoing nuclear crisis at Japan's Fukushima Daiichi plant. Stories recounting close ties between Japanese nuclear regulators and utilities there have reinvigorated critics who say the NRC has not been an aggressive enough U.S. watchdog."

Source: ProPublica, 04/14/2011

Fed Report Identifies 70 Hydro Expansion Candidates

The Dept. of Interior's Bureau of Reclamation released a report March 31, 2011, that highlights 70 existing dam, diversion structure, and other waterway operations in 14 Western states that could be expanded to generate more electricity.

Three Public Fracking Forums on Tap

Topics to be discussed April 20-25, 2011, in Bismarck, Denver, and Little Rock include "best management practices, disclosure of the chemicals used in hydraulic fracturing fluids, well construction and integrity, production wastewater management, and other techniques for protecting drinking water resources."

Fed Report: Most Oil and Gas Leases Unused

According to a Dept. of Interior report requested by Obama and released March 29, 2011, 70% of existing federal oil and gas offshore lease acres and 57% of all federal onshore leased acres are inactive, with no production, exploration or development.

Natl Air Toxics Report Gives Perspective, Despite Many Info Gaps

Every U.S. resident is at elevated risk of cancer from certain toxic substances in outdoor air, and about one-quarter of all residents are possibly at risk for noncancer health effects, according to EPA's update of the National-Scale Air Toxics Assessment (NATA) released March 11, 2011.

5-Year Deadline Sought for Ridding NYC Schools of PCBs

"The federal Environmental Protection Agency and the New York City Council speaker, Christine C. Quinn, are both calling for replacing school light fixtures that are leaking PCBs in five years or less, putting more pressure on the Bloomberg administration to speed up its planned time line of 10 years."

Source: Green (NYT), 04/13/2011
