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Watchdog Says Obama Not Protecting Whistleblower Scientists

New documents, released only after a lawsuit, to Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility show the White House is telling agencies they can stick with existing practices when it comes to political interference with science — and do just about anything they want.

Pa. Radio Host Says Criticism of Shale Fracking Got Him Fired

Robert Foltz, host of the "Let's Talk" show on WMBS in Uniontown for 10 years, told the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette he was fired just moments after a local municipal official said on his show that drilling for gas in the Marcellus shale formation had contaminated the local groundwater supply with bromine.

Plastic Bag Industry Tries To Silence Critics

The New York Times' Felicity Barringer tells the story of Andy Keller, 38, who dresses up in bags as "Bag Monster" to promote his reusable "ChicoBag," invoking the ire of three plastic bag manufacturers in South Carolina.

EPA Outs 150 Chemicals Claiming Trade Secret Status Under TSCA

The chemicals, the identities of which had been withheld up till now based on companies' "confidential business information" claims, are used in products like oil dispersants, air fresheners, non-stick and stain-resistant materials, fire-resistant materials, nonylphenol compounds, perfluorinated compounds, and lead.

"Clinton Takes Role in Fighting Domestic Killer"

"All around the world, women will cook meals for their families today, and as a result, in certain parts of the world, one of them will die every 16 seconds. That statistic is one of the reasons Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had planned a stop in Ethiopia on her current trip through Africa, to highlight an initiative she strongly supports: bringing cleaner cook stove technology to many parts of the developing world."

Source: CNN, 06/15/2011

"India Aims $1 Billion at Sacred but Filthy Ganges"

"Indian officials signed an agreement with the World Bank on Tuesday to use a $1 billion loan to finance the first major new effort in more than 20 years to cleanse the revered Ganges, one of the world’s dirtiest rivers."

Source: NY Times, 06/15/2011

"Three-Quarters Of Japanese Favor Nuclear Power Phase-Out"

"Nearly three-quarters of Japanese voters want to see a gradual phase-out of nuclear power, a newspaper poll showed on Tuesday, the latest sign of concerns about atomic safety as the country struggles with the world's worst nuclear crisis in 25 years."

Source: Reuters, 06/15/2011
