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"U.N. Deadlock on Addressing Climate Shift"

"The persistent inability of the United Nations to forge international consensus on climate change issues was on display Wednesday, as Security Council members disagreed over whether they should address possible instability provoked by problems like rising sea levels or competition over water resources."

Source: NY Times, 07/21/2011

"Ohio Leads List Of Top 20 States With Toxic Air"

"People living in Ohio, Pennsylvania and Florida are most at risk in the United States from toxic emissions spewing from coal and oil-fired power plants, two leading American environmental groups said in a report on Wednesday."

Source: Reuters, 07/21/2011

"U.N.: Famine in Somalia Is Killing Tens of Thousands"

"Famine in parts of southern Somalia has killed tens of thousands of people, mostly children, the United Nations said Wednesday in an official declaration of what aid officials describe as the worst humanitarian crisis in the troubled country in two decades."

Source: Wash Post, 07/21/2011

Heat Wave Roasts U.S. -- Can the Grid Handle It?

"A lengthy, blistering heat wave that is blanketing the eastern half of the United States is putting significant stress on the nation's power grid as homeowners and businesses crank up their air conditioners."

Source: AP, 07/21/2011

SEJ Offers Resources for Covering Summer Stories

Wildfire, hurricanes, recreation, extreme heat, drought, electric brownouts, UV rays and sunscreen, insect-borne disease like West Nile virus, fishing, dead zones, and algal blooms — TipSheet can help you cover these local environmental stories.

SEJournal Summer 2011, Vol. 21 No. 2

In this issue: Harvest Public Media fills coverage gap; California weekly unravels green claims; lessons from BP's Gulf oil disaster; nuke experts assess reporting on Fukushima; rethinking climate change-natural disasters relationship; thanks to SEJ's founders; enterprising disaster coverage; spreadsheet techniques check scientists’ studies; UN science panel deals with dwindling natural resources.
