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"Durban Talks Unlikely To Strike Climate Deal: U.N"

"Major climate talks in South Africa at year-end will be unlikely to strike agreement on a new pact, but will be important in determining the shape of long-term efforts to tackle climate change, a senior U.N. climate official said on Tuesday."

Source: Reuters, 08/04/2011

"Japan To Sack Top Nuclear Energy Officials"

"Japan will sack three top energy officials over their handling of the Fukushima atomic disaster and scandals that have fuelled public mistrust in the country's nuclear policy, the government said Thursday."

Source: AFP, 08/04/2011

FWS Proposes To Expand Hunting at 10 Wildlife Refuges

Hunting, under certain conditions, is already allowed at more than 300 of the 553 sites in the National Wildlife Refuge System. Contact local environmental, animal rights, and hunting groups for opinions for or against these proposals that would allow additional species to be killed at 10 refuges in 8 states.

Most Plastic Products Found Toxic, But Alternatives May Exist

Nearly 500 combined-plastic products tested induced estrogenic activity. Other plastic products did not, and would cost about the same to use in lieu of the EA-inducing products. But, there are other modes of toxicity besides EA, so product testing should include carcinogenicity, immune disruption, neurological damage, etc.

West Coast Damage May Presage Future Climate Change Effects

The effects of the 2009-2010 El Niño winter on western shorelines may be an indicator of what could occur more frequently as climate change continues, say researchers from the USGS, Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries, Washington State Department of Ecology, University of California, Santa Cruz, Oregon State University, and Scripps Institution of Oceanography.

"Clean Economy" Jobs Exceed Fossil Fuels Or Bioscience Sectors

A report from Brooking Institution and Battelle's Technology Partnership Practice says there are about 2.7 million direct "clean economy" jobs nationwide, including those in industries such as wastewater, mass transit, solar photovoltaic, wind, fuel cells, smart grid, biofuels, batteries, green chemical products, and lighting.

"Fungus Pushes Frogs Towards Extinction"

"It's been called a crisis in amphibian biology: more than a third of amphibian species are at risk of extinction. Habitat loss and climate change are both causes, but so is an invasive disease that's been called the smallpox of the amphibian world. Researchers from D.C., Virginia, and Maryland recently traveled to Panama to try to help limit the effects of the disease."

Source: WAMU-FM (DC), 08/03/2011
