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"Their Mission: To Build a Better Toilet"

"NO wonder they are called conveniences. Flush toilets swirl human waste down the drain quickly and neatly. But the convenience comes with a rising price for all that follows the flush — a cost that is often paid by municipal water and sewage treatment systems.

Now some groups are rethinking the venerable technology of the flush toilet, particularly for regions that lack such systems or for places where waste water treatment plants, many of them aging, are overburdened by the demands of fast-growing populations.

Source: NY Times, 08/15/2011

"Palo Verde Nuclear Response a Worry"

The planned evacuation for Arizona's Palo Verde nuclear power plant is only 10 miles, while the Nuclear Regulatory Commission called for evacuation of Americans within 50 miles of Japan's stricken Fukushima plant. Are safety plans enough?

Source: Arizona Republic, 08/15/2011

"A Businessman in Congress Helps His District and Himself"

A New York Times investigation shows Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) enriching himself via his actions as chair of the House Oversight Committee even as he launches political probes attempting to question the Obama administration's integrity.


"VISTA, Calif. — Here on the third floor of a gleaming office building overlooking a golf course in the rugged foothills north of San Diego, Darrell Issa, the entrepreneur, oversees the hub of a growing financial empire worth hundreds of millions of dollars.

Source: NY Times, 08/15/2011

DEADLINE: The Asian Carp Institute for Journalism & Natural Resources

Journalists chosen for the September 21-24, 2011, program fellowships will travel in vessels from the electronic barrier all the way to the mouth of the Chicago River to explore and examine the historical, scientific, economic, legal and political dimensions of the Asian carp issue. Apply by August 19th. 

"Climate Scientists Shine New Light On Methane Mystery"

"Atmospheric levels of methane, 20 times more powerful than carbon dioxide (CO2) at trapping heat, stayed steady for two decades to 2006 on wider fertilizer use to grow rice or a surge in natural gas demand, according to two separate studies in the journal Nature.

Climate researcher Fuu Ming Kai from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Singapore research center said in one study that methane output from rice fields in the Northern Hemisphere dropped during the period as fertilizers replaced manure and because of reduced water use.

Source: Reuters, 08/12/2011

"Panel Seeks More Disclosure On Natural Gas Drilling"

"A federal panel sketched out its first vision of a regulatory roadmap for the booming shale natural gas industry on Thursday, urging more transparency on the use of chemicals and more careful treatment of waste water."

Source: Reuters, 08/12/2011
