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"Dr. Sanjay Gupta Reports: Terror In The Dust"

"Ten years later, responders who breathed the toxic dust and noxious fumes at New York City’s Ground Zero while searching for survivors are still suffering the effects of the attacks.  The environmental hazards at the World Trade Center disaster site – mercury from fluorescent light bulbs, dioxin and benzene emitted as the jets burned, asbestos from the building materials, and more – have caused post-traumatic symptoms, severe respiratory ailments, immune problems and, some suspect, a greatly increased cancer risk."

Source: CNN, 09/08/2011

"Firefighters Gain Ground Against Texas Wildfire"

"Firefighters gained ground Wednesday against one of the most destructive wildfires in Texas history even as the state said the number of homes lost reached almost 800, and an elite search team set out to find any victims in the smoking ruins."

Source: AP, 09/08/2011

"Study: Phthalates Affect Child Development"

"Phthalates are a class of chemicals that have been shown to disrupt the endocrine system. They’re used in all kinds of consumer products including flooring, cars and cosmetics. A new study published today finds a significant link between pregnant women’s exposure to phthalates and negative impacts on their children’s development."

Source: Michigan Radio, 09/07/2011

"Trouble in Sea Bird Paradise"

"EAST SAND ISLAND, Wash. — It's been a dozen years since the federal government moved thousands of black-capped squawking seabirds here to reduce their diet of endangered fish. Things haven't exactly gone as planned."

Source: McClatchy, 09/07/2011

"Research Skewers Claim That Clouds Cause Climate Change"

"Taking on controversial claims that clouds are a main driver of temperature changes across the globe, a Texas A&M University atmospheric scientist finds evidence of cherry picking and errors. New findings published Tuesday appear to undermine a controversial study - oft-cited by those who downplay the human impacts of climate change - that claimed variations in cloud cover are driving temperature changes across the globe."

Source: Daily Climate, 09/07/2011
