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"BP Oil Not Degrading on Gulf Floor, Study Says"

"BIRMINGHAM, Ala. -- Tar balls washed onto Gulf of Mexico beaches by Tropical Storm Lee earlier this month show that oil left over from last year's BP spill isn't breaking down as quickly as some scientists thought it would, university researchers said Tuesday."

Source: AP, 09/21/2011

DNC Members Latest To Pressure Obama on Canada-To-U.S. Pipeline

"President Obama yesterday got nudged from his left to nix the Keystone XL pipeline, as seven Democratic National Committee (DNC) members signed on to a resolution urging rejection of the controversial Canada-to-U.S. project on environmental, economic and national security grounds."

Source: NY Times, 09/21/2011

Obama’s Smog Decision Backed by Big Business Donors

"President Obama’s decision early this month to side with anti-regulation business interests against the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to stop a plan to tighten smog regulations comes during an election cycle in which Obama has received campaign donations from top polluters, and only weeks after his chief of staff met with anti-regulation industry trade associations.

Source: Washington Independent, 09/21/2011

Koch-Funded 'Academy' Gives Congress Big Freebies

"ARLINGTON, Va. -- A recently-formed judicial 'academy' funded by industry groups and conservative billionaire brothers Charles and David Koch is offering members of Congress and their staff free meals and trips in order to 'educate' the lawmakers on controversial pro-business reforms."

Source: Huffington Post, 09/21/2011

"Solyndra Executives to Invoke Fifth Amendment Rights"

"The top two executives of a solar-energy company that filed for bankruptcy after getting $528 million in loan guarantees from the Obama administration said Tuesday that they will invoke their constitutional rights against compelled self-incrimination when they appear at a Congressional hearing."

Source: NY Times, 09/21/2011

DEADLINE: AHCJ-CDC Health Journalism Fellowships

AHCJ has teamed up with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention – with the support of the CDC Foundation – for this national fellowship program for journalists. Ten fellows will be chosen to spend December 4 -8, 2011 studying public health issues at two CDC campuses. The competitive fellowships are open to professional journalists working in the United States. The fellowships include membership, travel, lodging and meals. Applications due Oct. 21.
