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"In Rush to Assist Solyndra, U.S. Missed Warning Signs"

"President Obama’s visit to the Solyndra solar panel factory in California last year was choreographed down to the last detail — the 20-by-30-foot American flags, the corporate banners hung just so, the special lighting, even coffee and doughnuts for the Secret Service detail."

Source: NY Times, 09/23/2011

"Iran’s Ace (or Deuce): Its Oil Reserves"

"Diplomacy and energy are never far apart in the Persian Gulf. So, as American officials seek new international sanctions against Iran this week, it’s probably wise for them to remember how much the world’s global energy map has changed over the past decade."

Source: NYTimes, 03/09/2010

"Disaster Awaits Cities in Earthquake Zones"

"Istanbul is one of a host of quake-threatened cities in the developing world where populations have swelled far faster than the capacity to house them safely, setting them up for disaster of a scope that could, in some cases, surpass the devastation in Haiti from last month’s earthquake."

Source: NYTimes, 02/25/2010
