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Navajos Mark Uranium Spill 30 Years Later

"Thirty years ago today, an earthen tailings dam near the United Nuclear Corp. Church Rock Uranium mine collapsed, spilling ninety million gallons of liquid radioactive waste and eleven hundred tons of solid mill wastes into the Rio Puerco. The spill contaminated water, land and air at least 50 miles downstream on Navajo Nation land in New Mexico and Arizona."
Source: New Mexico Independent, 07/17/2009

EPA To Push Hard-Rock Mining Cleanup Bonds

"The Environmental Protection Agency, complying with a court order, will develop a rule to guarantee companies that mine everything from copper to uranium will pay for needed environmental cleanup, not taxpayers."
Source: AP, 07/14/2009

"EPA Attorneys Criticize Obama Nominee"

President Obama's nominee for the top Justice Department environmental enforcement job, Ignacia Moreno, has come under fire from EPA staff attorneys for her previous work defending GE -- a major polluter prosecuted by EPA. Backers say Moreno was tough on polluters in a previous stint at Justice.
Source: ProPublica, 07/08/2009

"EPA Downplays Dredging Risk to Bay City Water Supply"

"Nearly a month after the onset of a navigational dredging project in the Saginaw River that some worry will send dioxin-contaminated sediments downstream toward the intakes for Bay City’s water supply, EPA officials responded to citizen concerns by announcing it would not test the water for the toxin."
Source: Michigan Messenger, 06/16/2009
