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"Scientists Warn That Chemicals May Be Altering Breast Development"

"Exposure to chemicals early in life may alter how breast tissue develops and raise the risks of breast cancer and lactation problems later in life, scientists concluded in a report published Wednesday. The scientists are urging federal officials to add new tests for industrial chemicals and pesticides to identify ones that might disrupt breast development."

Source: EHN, 06/22/2011

"Produce Industry Presses USDA on Pesticide Report"

Eighteen non-organic produce industry groups have written the Agriculture Secretary in an an effort to muffle the impact of the upcoming USDA report on pesticide residues. The Environmental Working Group uses the annual data to highlight the "Dirty Dozen" fruits and vegetables.

Source: Wash Post, 05/16/2011

"Washington Bans Coal Tar Sealants"

"Washington has become the first state to ban pavement sealants that contain coal tar. The state made the move in response to recent studies that show runoff from macadam treated with these products can pollute lakes and streams."

Source: C&EN, 05/09/2011
