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"GOP Senators Advance Trump EPA Nominees Over Dems’ Objection"

"A Senate committee voted along party lines Wednesday to advance President Donald Trump’s picks for key posts at the Environmental Protection Agency over the objections of Democrats who pointed to the nominees’ past work for corporate clients they would now regulate."

Source: AP, 10/26/2017

"Military Bases' Contamination Will Affect Water For Generations"

"VICTORVILLE, CA - Once a fighter jet training base critical to the Cold War, little remains of the former George Air Force Base but rows of dilapidated houses, a dismantled military hospital and dangerous chemicals from pesticides, jet fuels and other hazardous wastes that have poisoned the water for decades."

Source: News21, 08/18/2017

"Popular Pesticides Keep Bumblebees From Laying Eggs"

"A group of scientists in the United Kingdom decided to look at how bumblebee queens are affected by some widely used and highly controversial pesticides known as neonicotinoids. What they found isn't pretty."

Source: NPR, 08/15/2017

"Toxic Waste From U.S. Pot Farms Alarms Experts"

"Pollution from illegal marijuana farms deep in California's national forests is far worse than previously thought, and has turned thousands of acres into waste dumps so toxic that simply touching plants has landed law enforcement officers in the hospital."

Source: Reuters, 08/07/2017

"Santa Barbara’s Bee Whisperer"

"There is a man among us who talks to the bees. They spoke recently on a warm Sunday morning in my driveway. Nick Wigle was standing with his hands on his hips, squinting down at a small gas-meter vault packed with 3,000 stinging residents. “All right, guys,” he said. “We’re going to take this nice and easy.” The hive buzzed back, its low tone telegraphing the gentleness unique to Santa Barbara's bees."

Source: Santa Barbara Independent, 07/28/2017

"Michael Dourson Tapped To Lead U.S. EPA Chemical Program"

"Michael Dourson, President Donald J. Trump’s pick to head the Environmental Protection Agency’s office that oversees commercial chemicals and pesticides, is a board-certified toxicologist with decades of experience in risk assessment. Dourson’s close ties to the chemical industry, however, have some environmental groups raising concerns about potential conflicts of interest."

Source: C&EN, 07/19/2017
