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"Pathway To Peril"

"Scientists worry the next devastating disease could be born where animals and humans mix in a Third World slum – then cross the globe. Zika may have been a preview."

Source: Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 07/19/2017

"Massive Copper Mine Tests Trump's Push To Slash Regulation"

"Rio Tinto's proposed Resolution Copper Mine in Arizona would tunnel 7,000 feet underground, where rocks radiate heat from the earth’s molten core. It would suck up enough water to supply a city and leave a crater a mile and a half wide and 1,000 feet deep."

Source: Reuters, 07/14/2017

"Scientists Challenge Magazine Story About ‘Uninhabitable Earth’"

"The temptation to paint a dire picture of climate change, at a time when the Trump administration seems bent on questioning a widely accepted body of climate science and withdrawing from international agreements, is clear. But the picture still has to be plausible and accurate, a number of scientists argued this week in response to a lengthy article in New York Magazine."

Source: Washington Post, 07/13/2017

Coal No Longer Fuels America. But The Legacy — And The Myth — Remain.

"Boone County claims to be the birthplace of America’s coal industry, the rich and abundant black rock discovered in these verdant hills almost three centuries ago. Coal gives name to nearly everything in these parts — the Big and Little Coal rivers, the weekly Coal Valley News, the wondrous Bituminous Coal Heritage Foundation Museum and the West Virginia Coal Festival, celebrating, as we arrive in town, its 24th year."

Source: Washington Post, 07/11/2017

"Drawn to Flame: Women Forged by Wildfire"

"Some people, like moths, are drawn to flame. For those that find their way into wildland firefighting, there is an allure to a forest fire: hearing the freight train- like roar as it advances, seeing the columns of smoke that rise into the sky, feeling the heat that permeates Nomex pants and shirts and can make trees explode in a shower of sparks."

Source: Your National Forests, 06/22/2017
