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"Extreme Weather Patterns Are Raising The Risk Of A Global Food Crisis"

"Extreme weather patterns associated with heat waves and droughts are raising the risks of simultaneous harvest failures of vital crops worldwide such as wheat, maize and soybeans, two studies published Monday found. This is pushing the world closer to the edge of potential food price spikes, associated social unrest and food shortages."

Source: Washington Post, 12/11/2019

"UN Climate Talks Aim To Pave Way For Global Carbon Market"

"Economists say that carbon markets ... can become a powerful tool in the fight against climate change, by giving emitters a financial incentive to reduce greenhouse gases. But despite making progress in other areas, governments have for years been unable to agree on the rules that would allow truly global trade in carbon permits to flourish."

Source: AP, 12/06/2019

"Climate: Democrats Look To Undercut Trump in Madrid"

"House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and other congressional Democrats are in Madrid for U.N. climate talks this week, lending a high-profile voice to U.S. supporters of the Paris climate agreement as the 2020 elections heat up."

Source: E&E Daily, 12/03/2019
