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"‘Going in the Wrong Direction’: More Tropical Forest Loss in 2019"

"Destruction of tropical forests worldwide increased last year, led again by Brazil, which was responsible for more than a third of the total, and where deforestation of the Amazon through clear-cutting appears to be on the rise under the pro-development policies of the country’s president."

Source: NYTimes, 06/05/2020

Most Climate Ag Research Focused On Crops, Not The People Who Pick Them

"The coronavirus pandemic has highlighted the importance of people who grow, pick, and process food as essential workers. These agricultural workers will also be on the front lines of climate change, a new study makes clear." "At 2 degrees warming, the entire growing season will be considered unsafe for agricultural work in some places".

Source: Anthropocene, 05/06/2020

"Antarctica: Too Big to Melt"

"A summer of extremes leaves sobering questions about the state of Earth’s largest store of ice, capable of inundating coastlines worldwide as it melts."

Source: The Revelator, 05/05/2020

As Salton Sea Spews Harmful Dust, Imperial Valley Water Wars Heat Up

"The people of California’s Imperial Valley can be as unforgiving as the region’s harsh desert climate. It’s been 16 years since Bruce Kuhn cast the fateful vote to transfer tens of billions of gallons of Colorado River water from the valley’s sprawling farms to thirsty coastal cities, reshaping water politics in California and across the West."

Source: LA Times, 04/28/2020
