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"In Las Vegas, Climate Change Deniers Re-Group, Vow to Keep Doubt Alive"

"On Monday, the Heartland Institute convened its Ninth International Climate Change Conference in Las Vegas. A Chicago-based, non-profit free-market think tank with a $6 million annual budget, Heartland has been hosting conferences for those dubious of the science confirming human-caused climate change since 2008."

Source: Bloomberg, 07/11/2014

"California Drought Forces Evacuation of Trout Hatcheries"

"Millions of young rainbow and steelhead trout are being evacuated from California's most productive hatchery complex as summer heat and the state's ongoing drought combine to make the water too warm for them to survive, officials said Tuesday."

Source: Reuters, 06/18/2014

"Anger Rises as India Swelters Under Record Heatwave"

"Swathes of north India are sweltering under the longest heatwave on record, triggering widespread breakdowns in the supply of electricity and increasingly angry protests over the government's failure to provide people with basic services."

Source: Reuters, 06/16/2014

"Air Conditioning Turns Up City Heat"

"Increasing use of air conditioners to stay cool is having the vicious circle effect – especially at night – of worsening the problem of cities getting hotter as the climate changes, say US researchers"

Source: Climate News Network, 06/10/2014
