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"Late Season Heat Wave Stokes California Wildfire Fears"

"LOS ANGELES - The fall season has brought a wave of hot, dry weather to California, with parts of the state baking this weekend in triple-digit temperatures and officials expressing concern the summer-like heat could spark a massive wildfire."

Source: Reuters, 10/06/2014

"Obama To Tout U.S. Climate Plan At U.N. Summit"

"President Barack Obama will highlight strides the United States has made on climate change when he addresses a major U.N. climate summit next week, senior administration officials said on Thursday."

Source: Reuters, 09/19/2014

"Rocky Mountain Forests Vanishing as Planet Heats Up"

"Climate change could kill up to 90 percent of the forests covering the Rocky Mountains, warned  the nonprofit Union of Concerned Scientists today in a new study based in part on projections made by the U.S. Forest Service."

Source: ENS, 09/11/2014

Heat Waves America's Deadliest Weather Disaster; Don't Have To Be

"Heat waves are quickly becoming one of the world's deadliest weather phenomena. In the United States, extreme heat now kills more people each year than tornadoes, hurricanes, or flooding. And a massive heat wave, like the one that hit Europe in 2003, can kill tens of thousands in a blow."

Source: Vox, 09/10/2014

"Cities Prepare for Warm Climate Without Saying So"

"GRAND HAVEN, Mich. — With climate change still a political minefield across the nation despite the strong scientific consensus that it's happening, some community leaders have hit upon a way of preparing for the potentially severe local consequences without triggering explosions of partisan warfare: Just change the subject."

Source: AP, 09/09/2014
