Search results

"In EPA’s New Methane Rule, An Innovative Way To Stop ‘Super Emitters’"

"Scientists with NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory were flying a plane equipped with a visible-infrared imaging spectrometer over an oil field in California’s San Joaquin Valley when they made a worrisome discovery. Images produced by the device revealed a large plume of methane lingering in the air."

Source: Grist, 12/15/2023

"US EPA Must Do More To Ensure Captured Carbon Stays Underground -Report"

"The U.S. environment regulator does not sufficiently verify that carbon capture and storage (CCS) projects keep emissions trapped underground and should boost its requirements to ensure companies receiving CCS tax credits provide an actual environmental benefit, a watchdog group said on Thursday."

Source: Reuters, 12/14/2023

"COP28 Does Not Deliver Clear Path to Fossil Fuel Phase Out"

"Going into overtime under the cover of a dark winter night in Dubai, climate negotiators at COP28 cooked up a weak sauce of climate half-measures that fail to adequately address the existential risk of global warming to millions of people around the globe, according to leading climate experts at the conference."

Source: Inside Climate News, 12/14/2023
