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Senate Panel Sprints To Finish Energy Bill

"The Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee will attempt to finish marking up comprehensive energy legislation this week, including a renewable electricity standard... ."
Source: NYTimes, 05/19/2009

Obama to Toughen Auto Emission Rules

"President Obama will announce tough new nationwide rules for automobile emissions and mileage standards on Tuesday, embracing standards that California has sought to enact for years over the objections of the auto industry and the Bush administration."
Source: NYTimes, 05/19/2009

Power from the People

"Germany is moving quickly to develop alternative energy, allowing individual homes to sell excess power to electric companies. Also, Abu Dhabi goes green and an icon of the environmental movement."
Source: HDNet, 05/14/2009

Chinese Solar Company Plans U.S. Manufacturing Plant

"The announcement by China-based Suntech reflects the value of federal and state incentives for renewable energy. It also counters a favorite argument on Capitol Hill that shifting to a clean energy future will send U.S. jobs overseas."
Source: SolveClimate, 05/14/2009

"Obama to Name Reid Ally as NRC Chairman"

"President Barack Obama on Wednesday named a former adviser to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to head the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, giving opponents of a nuclear waste repository in Reid's home state of Nevada another well-placed ally."
Source: AP, 05/14/2009
