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"DOE Revives FutureGen, Reversing Bush-Era Decision"

"The Obama administration gave conditional support today for a federal-industry partnership that would build an advanced coal-burning power plant in Illinois to trap and store carbon dioxide emissions, reversing a Bush-era decision to abandon the FutureGen project."
Source: Greenwire, 06/15/2009

"Congress Abandoning Obama Clean Energy Goals"

"Congress is all but abandoning President Barack Obama's goal of producing fully one-quarter of the nation's electricity from renewable sources -- wind, solar and the like -- by 2025, though a push for at least some increase is making headway."
Source: AP, 06/12/2009

"Biofuel Producers Give EPA an Earful"

"Biofuel and farm groups objected to the U.S. EPA's revisions to the National Renewable Fuel Standard today at a public hearing in Washington."
Source: ENS, 06/11/2009

"Senate Panel Blocks Directional Drilling in ANWR"

"A Senate committee on Tuesday rejected a proposal by Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski, the panel's top Republican, to allow access to oil in Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge by drilling for it from outside the refuge."
Source: AP, 06/11/2009

"Fighting Over Oil And Water"

"In the future, keeping your gas tank full could make disputes over water in the American West a lot worse. It's because energy companies hope to develop the oil shale industry. Getting oil from shale requires lots of water, and the richest oil shale deposits happen to be in the dry state of Colorado."
Source: Environment Report, 06/10/2009

"Google Closing in on Cheap Renewable Energy"

"Google Inc is closing in on its goal of producing renewable energy at a price cheaper than coal, the company's so-called green energy czar, the engineer in charge of the project, said on Tuesday."
Source: Reuters, 06/10/2009
