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"Global Energy Demand Seen Up 44 Percent By 2030"

"Global energy demand is expected to soar 44 percent over the next two decades with most of the demand coming from developing countries such as China and Russia, the U.S. government's top energy forecasting agency said on Wednesday."
Source: Reuters, 05/28/2009

House Panel Launches Interior Reform

A draft bill from the House Natural Resources Committee would drastically reform the Interior Department's corruption-plagued system for collecting oil and gas royalties.
Source: Greenwire, 05/28/2009

Enviros Seek Repeal of Fracking Loophole

People in many parts of the U.S. blame gas drilling for causing the water in their wells to go bad. In 2005, the Bush administration got Congress to exempt from the Safe Drinking Water Act a drilling practice called "fracking." Now environmentalists hope to repeal the exemption and the gas industry is mounting a defense.
Source: ProPublica, 05/27/2009
