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"'Citizen Army' Carries Coal's Climate Message to Hinterlands"

The American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity (ACCCE), whose PR contractors have been caught forging letters to Congress, is launching a $1 million campaign to send an army of "volunteers" to town hall meetings on climate change legislation -- in an effort similar to the shout-downs and occasional mob violence now being deployed against health care.
Source: Greenwire, 08/07/2009

"Congressman Demands Answers on Forged Letters"

"A congressional chairman is demanding answers from a coal group about forged letters criticizing major climate legislation that were sent to three congressional offices ahead of the vote."
Source: AP, 08/06/2009

"Senate Reaches Deal To Save 'Clunkers' Program"

"The Senate reached a deal on saving the dwindling "cash for clunkers" program late Wednesday, agreeing to vote on a plan that would add $2 billion to the popular rebate program and give car shoppers until Labor Day to trade in their gas-guzzlers for a new ride."
Source: AP, 08/06/2009

"Interview: A Former CIA Director Talks Oil"

"The current recession has caused the price of oil to drop -- most think temporarily. James Woolsey was the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency -- the CIA -- during the Clinton Administration. ... Woolsey has been arguing that, no matter what the price, dependence on oil is a national security problem that we need to solve."
Source: Environment Report, 08/05/2009

"Climate Bill May Fall by the Wayside"

"With the fight over health care reform absorbing all the bandwidth on Capitol Hill, Democrats fear a major climate change bill may be left on the cutting-room floor this year."
Source: Politico, 08/05/2009

"LaHood: Car Rebates Will Stop Unless Senate Acts"

"The Obama administration will suspend the 'cash for clunkers' program unless the Senate provides $2 billion more for the popular car incentive plan, Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood said Sunday."
Source: AP, 08/03/2009

"World Bank Puts Hydropower Back Into Favor, NGOs Do Not"

The World Bank is taking a renewed role in hydropower development, driven it part by estimates that the developing world has 1,333 GW of potential and unexploited hydro capacity. Some NGOs, however, don’t believe large scale hydropower is the answer for rural electrification and say the World Bank's number would be much lower if negative social and economic impacts were taken into consideration.
Source: SolveClimate, 07/31/2009

"W.Va. Top Court: Judge Can Still Hear Massey Trial"

"Conflict-of-interest allegations are not sufficient grounds for disqualification, so a southern West Virginia judge can continue overseeing a water pollution trial involving Massey Energy and its coal slurry disposal practices, the state Supreme Court said Thursday."
Source: AP, 07/31/2009
