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"Amaranth Settles Charges of Market Manipulation"

"Amaranth Advisors, a hedge fund that collapsed in 2006, agreed to pay $7.5 million to settle accusations from regulators that it tried to manipulate natural gas futures."
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Source: ,

$2 Billion in Grants for Electric Car Batteries

"Seeking to put the nation back in the lead on an important technology, the Obama administration awarded more than $2 billion in grants on Wednesday for manufacturing advanced batteries and other components for electric cars."
Source: NYTimes, 08/07/2009

"Forged Letters Not the First of ACCCE’s Misrepresentations"

"The American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity claims to be shocked, shocked that forged anti-climate-bill letters were sent to members of Congress by one of its subcontractors, saying it was 'an isolated incident.' But it seems ACCCE also engaged in some fishy behavior last year during debate over a Senate climate bill."
Source: Grist, 08/07/2009
