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"Developing World's Energy Needs Set Stage for Fight"

"Developing nations' urgent need for more energy has become a central issue this year as developed countries -- including the United States -- push for a global reduction in carbon emissions ahead of a climate change conference scheduled for December in Copenhagen."
Source: Wash Post, 09/09/2009

"U.S. Company and China Plan Solar Project"

"Chinese government officials signed an agreement on Tuesday with First Solar, an American solar developer, for a 2,000-megawatt photovoltaic farm to be built in the Mongolian desert."
Source: NYTimes, 09/09/2009

"Natural Gas Hits a Roadblock in New Energy Bill"

The natural gas industry has been on a winning streak as the fuel has come into greater use, partly because of its advantage in fighting climate change. But raw political clout may help climate-warming coal steal gas' lunch money in the coming climate bill.
Source: NYTimes, 09/08/2009

Enviros File Suit To Block Tar Sands Pipeline

"Less than two weeks after the State Department gave the go-ahead for a major new pipeline to carry Alberta oil sands crude into the United States, a network of environmental and Native American groups filed a lawsuit to stop it."
Source: NYTimes, 09/04/2009

"BP Finds Giant Oil Field Deep in Gulf of Mexico"

"BP announced on Wednesday the discovery of what it characterized as a giant oil field several miles under the Gulf of Mexico, but it may take years to assess how much crude can actually be recovered."
Source: NYTimes, 09/03/2009
