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"Greenpeace Seeks Newsweek Disclosure of API Revenue"

"Greenpeace is demanding that Newsweek disclose how much money it has made selling the oil industry's biggest lobbying group advertising deals that included the ability to co-host energy policy forums and seat the association's president as a panelist beside members of Congress."

Source: Greenwire, 11/10/2009

"Senate Climate Battle Shifts Onto New Turf"

"The Senate climate debate shifts into a higher gear this week as advocates look beyond the partisan gridlock that engulfed the Environment and Public Works Committee and onto the broader quest of finding 60 votes for floor passage."

Source: ClimateWire, 11/10/2009

"Chrysler Dismantles Electric Car Plans Under Fiat"

"Chrysler has disbanded a team of engineers dedicated to rushing a range of electric vehicles to showrooms and dropped ambitious sales targets for battery-powered cars set as it was sliding toward bankruptcy and seeking government aid."

Source: Reuters, 11/09/2009

"As Oceans Fall Ill, Washington Bureaucrats Squabble"

The Obama White House, faced with serious and mounting problems in the oceans, is creating a National Ocean Council that excludes the key agency responsible for most oceans programs, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administrtion.

Source: McClatchy, 11/09/2009

"It's Official: No Climate Bill This Year"

"It's official: climate legislation has zero chance of passing before the big summit in Copenhagen this December." That seems to be the inevitable consequence of an announcement by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.

Source: Mother Jones, 11/05/2009

"House Panel OKs Bill To Ban Importing Foreign N-Waste"

"A House subcommittee endorsed Tuesday a bill to ban importing foreign, low-level radioactive waste — which would block an EnergySolutions proposal to import 20,000 tons of it from Italy, process it in Tennessee and dump it in Utah's western desert."

Source: Deseret News, 11/04/2009

"Buffett Bets Big On Coal"

Billionaire investor Warren Buffet is planning to buy the Burlington Northern Santa Fe railroad. Observers say this is a bet on the future of coal in the U.S. energy mix.

Source: New Republic, 11/04/2009
