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"U.S. Issues Revised Offshore Drilling Ban"

"Interior Secretary Ken Salazar  issued revised rules on Monday for a six-month moratorium on deepwater oil  drilling in the Gulf of Mexico, replacing an earlier one that had been declared invalid by federal courts."

Source: NYTimes, 07/13/2010

"Joke: How Many D.O.E. Workers Does It Take to ..."

"The incandescent light bulb’s days are numbered. Under federal law, the 100-watt bulbs are supposed to be taken off the shelf next year, followed later by the more common 40- and 60-watt models. But guess who’s still using them? The Department of Energy."

Source: NYTimes, 07/09/2010

"Owner of Exploded Rig Is Known for Testing Rules"

"Transocean  is the world’s largest offshore drilling company, but until its Deepwater Horizon rig exploded in the Gulf of Mexico in April, few Americans outside the energy business had heard of it. It is well known, however, in a number of other countries — for testing local laws and regulations."

Source: NYTimes, 07/08/2010

"Spill May Give Boost To Eco-Theology"

"Where would Jesus drill? Religious leaders who consider environmental protection a godly mission are making the Gulf of Mexico oil spill a rallying cry, hoping it inspires people of faith to support cleaner energy while changing their personal lives to consume less and contemplate more."

Source: AP, 07/08/2010
