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"Fuel Troubles in Iran"

Anti-government protestors took to the streets of Iran yesterday and were brutally suppressed by police. Just as high food prices helped fuel this month's revolution in Egypt, shortages of refined fuel and high prices for a range of goods are heightening pressures in Iran. Economic sanctions are one cause of the fuel shortage. The consequences ripple well beyond Iran's borders -- to Afghanistan, Armenia, and nations of the former Soviet Union, as well as oil-rich Persian Gulf nations.

Source: ENS, 02/15/2011

"Md. Lawmakers Warned of Natural Gas Drilling Woes in Pa."

"A former top Pennsylvania official warned Maryland lawmakers to go slow in allowing drilling for natural gas in Marcellus shale deposits underlying the state's western mountains or risk the environmental and social problems his state is now experiencing from a poorly regulated wave of energy exploration."

Source: Baltimore Sun, 02/10/2011

"Republican War on EPA Begins — But Will They Overreach?"

Republicans launched their assault against EPA and the Supreme Court Wednesday, arguing that regulating greenhouse gas emissions under the Clean Air Act would hurt jobs. EPA chief Lisa Jackson said EPA was protecting people's health. Rep. Henry Waxman produced a document that seemed to say the Bush EPA agreed with Jackson. Divisions are so close that Congress may actually do little on the issue.

Source: TIME, 02/10/2011
