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"The Pentagon’s War on America: Toxic Bureaucracy"

During the Bush administration and earlier, the Pentagon waged a war to keep EPA from regulating perchlorate, a rocket fuel that has widely contaminated drinking water, by fudging the science about its health effects. Now the defense industry is pushing the same case to the Obama Office of Management and Budget.
Source: NRNS, 07/08/2009

"Concerns Over Bisphenol A Continue To Grow"

Heart arrhythmias in females and permanent, deleterious modifications of a gene that plays a pivotal role in reproduction are two new problems being linked to bisphenol A. New findings about the toxicity of this chemical and data suggest human exposures may be higher than U.S. regulatory agencies have assumed.
Source: Science News, 07/03/2009

"Purity of Federal 'Organic' Label Is Questioned"

Heavy lobbying by companies eager to get a slice of the $23 billion-a-year organic food business is watering down USDA "organic" standards to the point where consumers "are not always getting what they expect: foods without pesticides and other chemicals, produced in a way that is gentle to the environment."
Source: Wash Post, 07/03/2009
