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"Glitzy Google Gathering Launches Green-Product Institute"

"Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger (R) was joined by executives from Google Inc., Wal-Mart Stores Inc., YouTube LLC, and designer chairmaker Herman Miller Inc. yesterday to launch a nonprofit group created to help scrub hazardous chemicals from consumer products."

Source: Greenwire, 05/25/2010

"Phthalates: Are They Safe?"

"More than ever, people are worried about how all the chemicals we're exposed to are affecting our health: among them a family of chemicals known as phthalates, which are used in everyday plastics. ... Recently the EPA, put phthalates on a list of chemicals that 'may present a risk' to the environment or human health. That's because they disrupt hormone activity and some preliminary studies show that they may be causing a slow and steady demasculinizing of men."

Source: 60 Minutes, 05/24/2010

"EPA and DHS Order BP to Stop Hiding Oil Spill Information"

"Today the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) took steps to increase the transparency of the response to BP's catastrophic oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. The oil company's actions have been criticized for failing to disclose or monitor important information about the spill, including the quantity of oil erupting into the Gulf, the potential health impacts of the oil and the chemicals used to disperse it, and water and air quality information."

Source: OMB Watch, 05/21/2010

"Report: Hazardous Chemical in Our Canned Food"

"The health hazards of bisphenol A are well documented, but now scientists report that the chemical used in the coating of cans to protect food from corrosion and bacteria is pervasive in the canned goods on our kitchen shelves."

Source: AOLNews, 05/20/2010

"A New Source of Dioxins: Clean Hands"

"Manufacturers have been adding the germ fighter triclosan to soaps, hand washes, and a range of other products for years. But here’s a dirty little secret: Once it washes down the drain, that triclosan can spawn dioxins."

Source: Science News, 05/20/2010

"EPA Will Limit Pesticides Near Salmon Streams"

"The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency said Monday it will impose restrictions on spraying three agricultural pesticides to keep them out of salmon streams after manufacturers refused to adopt the limits voluntarily."

Source: AP, 05/18/2010
