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"Gas Sickened Girls in Afghan Schools"

"KABUL, Afghanistan — Blood tests have confirmed that a mysterious series of cases of mass sickness at girls’ schools across the country over the last two years were caused by a powerful poison gas, an Afghan official said Tuesday."

Source: NYTimes, 09/01/2010

"India Reopens Bhopal Toxic Gas Leak Case"

"India's supreme court has reopened the Bhopal  toxic gas leak case in response to a government petition seeking harsher punishment for officials from Union Carbide, the chemical company responsible."

Source: Guardian, 09/01/2010

"The Bill for Agent Orange Comes Due"

As Vietnam veterans age, there has been an explosion of claims for disabilities related to Agent Orange. It could cost the taxpayers $42 billion over the next 10 years, and it raises questions about the government's failure to address Agent Orange risks before using it.

Source: Politico, 08/31/2010

"Investigators Converge on Site of Alabama Ammonia Leak"

"A release of of toxic anhydrous ammonia from a refrigeration plant in Theodore, Alabama that sent more than 130 people to hospital has drawn investigators from three federal agencies and several state agencies to the scene."

Source: ENS, 08/30/2010

Sludge Tracking Efforts a Jumble of Research With No Clear Answers

The application of sewage sludge (renamed "biosolids" by industry PR) to fields has created worries about smell, disease, and toxic contaminants. Federal efforts to track sludge problems have been fragmented, haphazard, and delayed -- which does not inspire confidence in industry-backed federal assurances that sludge is safe. The assurances have preceded the evidence that would support them.

Source: Greenwire, 08/27/2010
