Search results

"Fracking Shown to Mobilize Uranium in Marcellus Shale"

Hydraulic fracturing of underground shale to produce natural gas also releases uranium that is part of the rock, say researchers at the State University of New York at Buffalo. The uranium may pollute groundwater.

Source: ENS, 10/26/2010

No Limits on Toxic Cadmium for Kids: CPSC

The Consumer Product Safety Commission did an about-face and announced that it will not regulate cadmium -- a toxic metal found in consumer products that is known to damage kidneys and bones. "Instead, the agency will defer to an independent, private-sector group that has been drafting voluntary limits for several months."

Source: AP, 10/20/2010

"New York Firm Guilty of Falsifying Asbestos Test Reports"

"A federal jury in Utica has found Certified Environmental Services, Inc., two of its managers and one of its employees guilty of falsifying lab reports to make it appear as if asbestos had been removed from homes, schools, and other buildings when, in fact, asbestos remained in the buildings."

Source: ENS, 10/19/2010
