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"Group Threatens Suit Over Oil Spill Dispersants in Alaska"

"A national environmental group is threatening to sue over the federal government's oil spill emergency response plan for Alaska, saying regulators violated the law by not studying whether using chemicals to disperse oil spills would harm the state's endangered and threatened marine species."

Source: Anchorage Daily News, 11/12/2010

"Arsenic Ban in Poultry Feed Urged"

"In a continued effort to ban arsenic in chicken feed, Food & Water Watch, a Maryland consumer advocacy group, has released a study outlining the environmental and human health impacts posed by 'poisoned poultry.'"

Source: Salisbury Times, 11/11/2010

"Canada's Curbs on BPA Premature, Says WHO Panel"

"Taking any public health measures to ban or control bisphenol A — as Canada recently did — is premature since evidence of its alleged health risks is not strong enough, the World Health Organization said Tuesday."

Source: Postmedia, 11/11/2010

"EPA Subpoenas Halliburton Over Fracking Fluids"

"The Environmental Protection Agency said on Tuesday it has issued a subpoena to Halliburton for not revealing information about liquids used in a natural gas drilling technique called 'fracking.'"

Source: Reuters, 11/10/2010

"Seeing Red: Next Installment in BPA-Paper Saga"

After concerns mounted about bisphenol A, a hormone-mimicking chemical lacing many cash-register receipts, Wisconsin-based Appleton Paper has begun incorporating tiny red fibers in its thermal receipt paper to show that it is BPA-free.

Source: Science News, 11/09/2010

"A Safety Kink in Hair Relaxing?"

"AS more women began clamoring for the latest sensation in hair care, the so-called Brazilian hair-relaxing treatments, the Neil George Salon in Beverly Hills, Calif., added a cabana with open sides and a fabric roof to isolate the process from the salon itself. 'I couldn’t stand the fumes,' said Neil Weisberg, an owner."

Source: NYTimes, 11/05/2010
