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"Efforts To Kill Invasive Plant Worry Beekeepers"

"An effort to fight an invasive plant with insects that eat it has drawn opposition from beekeepers who worry it will leave them without an adequate source of nectar and pollen for their honeybees."

Source: AP, 12/20/2010

"GE Must Do More To Clean Hudson River: EPA"

"The Environmental Protection Agency on Friday ordered General Electric Co to dredge deeper into the Hudson River as part of the next phase of an effort to remove cancer-causing chemicals dumped into the river over decades."

Source: Reuters, 12/20/2010

"U.S. Called Vulnerable to Rare Earth Shortages"

"The United States is too reliant on China for minerals crucial to new clean energy technologies, making the American economy vulnerable to shortages of materials needed for a range of green products — from compact fluorescent light bulbs to electric cars to giant wind turbines."

Source: NYTimes, 12/16/2010
