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Canada: "Pollution In Our Melting Snow"

"With birds chirping and temperatures warming , spring is finally in the air. But for University of Toronto Scarborough (UTSC) environmental chemist Torsten Meyer, springtime has a dark side."

Source: SPX, 03/29/2011

"Texas Could Require Disclosure of Drilling Chemicals"

"Hydraulic fracturing, an increasingly common method of extracting natural gas that involves shooting a concoction of water, sand and chemicals deep underground, has sparked controversy around the country — not least because drillers mostly keep their chemical formulas secret. But Texas, the leading gas-producing state, could help change industry practices by requiring public disclosure of the chemicals used."

Source: Texas Tribune, 03/28/2011

"Lead, Other Chemicals Taint Some Urban Gardens"

"With remnants of once-legal lead paint, leaded gasoline and other pollutants from the nation's industrial past tainting land in U.S. cities, soil researchers warn that the growing number of urban farmers and community gardeners need to test their dirt and take steps to make sure it's safe."

Source: AP, 03/23/2011

"EPA Proposes Air Rules That May Hit Coal-Fired Power"

"Environmental regulators proposed rules on Wednesday that would force aging coal-fired power plants to choose between installing costly anti-pollution technology or shutting, which could ensure reliance nuclear power and natural gas."

Source: Reuters, 03/17/2011

"Maryland Lab Destroys Documentation On Lead Poisoning Of Children"

"Maryland's health secretary said Friday that his department's laboratory has destroyed test results dating to the 1980s documenting lead poisoning of Maryland children - potentially thousands of records that plaintiffs' lawyers say are crucial to pursuing lawsuits seeking damages on behalf of poisoned children and their families."

Source: Wash Post, 03/15/2011

4 Hurt in Blast, Fire at Massachusetts Chemical Plant

"MIDDLETON, Mass. -- An explosion and four-alarm blaze at a local manufacturing plant last night rocked homes for miles around, sent four workers to the hospital, and left local environmental officials concerned about chemical contamination to the nearby Ipswich River."

Source: Boston Globe, 03/14/2011
