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"NAS Reviewers Slam EPA's Formaldehyde Assessment"

"U.S. EPA's long-awaited study of formaldehyde's toxicity got panned today by a National Academy of Sciences' panel that sharply disagreed with the agency's conclusions and declared the effort in need of 'substantial revision.'"

Source: Greenwire, 04/11/2011

"Cancer Cause Or Crop Aid? Herbicide Faces Big Test"

"Critics say it's a chemical that could cause infertility or cancer, while others see it speeding the growth of super weeds and causing worrying changes to plants and soil. Backers say it is safe and has made a big contribution to food production."

Source: Reuters, 04/11/2011

"Ozone Layer Faces Record Loss Over Arctic"

"The depletion of the ozone layer shielding Earth from damaging ultraviolet rays has reached an unprecedented low over the Arctic this spring because of harmful chemicals and a cold winter, the U.N. weather agency said Tuesday."

Source: AP, 04/05/2011

Baltimore: "Mayor: 'Not Possible' To Pay Lead-Poison Judgments"

"Echoing her housing commissioner, Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake said Monday that Baltimore's public housing authority has decided 'it is not possible' to pay lead-poisoning judgments that could one day exceed $800 million because the money is needed to improve living conditions for thousands of poor families."

Source: Baltimore Sun, 04/05/2011

"U.N. Suggests Pesticides, Chemicals For Watch List"

"The United Nations has suggested three pesticides and three industrial chemicals be put on a trade "watch list" because they can threaten human health and the environment, the U.N.'s Food and Agriculture Organization said on Friday."

Source: Reuters, 04/04/2011

"Is a Pesticide Harming All Those Bees?"

Questions are mounting about the possible role of a new family of pesticides, the neonicotinoides, in the "colony collapse disorder" that is decimating commercial honeybees. Will EPA reconsider its approval of those pesticides?

Source: Green (NYT), 04/04/2011
