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"Lisa Jackson Calls Out Power Utilities"

EPA chief Lisa Jackson told the Senate Environment Committee Wednesday that American Electric Power's recent narrative about job loss resulting from EPA's mercury regulations was were "misleading at best and scare tactics at worst."

Source: Mother Nature Network, 06/16/2011

"150 Chemicals Are No Longer Incognito"

"This month the Environmental Protection Agency made public the names of 150 chemicals that were investigated in health and safety studies but whose identities were withheld as confidential business information."

Source: Green (NYT), 06/14/2011

"FDA: Some Chicken May Have Small Amount of Arsenic"

"The Food and Drug Administration said Wednesday that some chicken meat may contain small amounts of arsenic, though the agency is stressing that the amount is too tiny to be dangerous to people who eat it."

Source: AP, 06/09/2011

"Pollution Portrait: The Fourth National-Scale Air Toxics Assessment"

"At first glance the results of the fourth edition of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s fourth National-Scale Air Toxics Assessment are sobering—the modeled data suggest that every person in the United States is at increased risk for getting cancer from outdoor air pollutants and that nearly a quarter of the population is at increased risk for certain noncancer health effects."

Source: EHP, 06/08/2011

"EPA Plans To Ban Some Rodent Poisons"

"The government is moving to ban the sale of some popular rat and mouse poisons such as D-Con and Hot Shot in an effort to protect children and pets."

Source: AP, 06/08/2011
