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Court Approves 3M Settlement Over PFAS Chemicals’ In Public Drinking Water

"Chemical manufacturer 3M will begin payments starting in the third quarter to many U.S. public drinking water systems as part of a multi-billion-dollar settlement over contamination with potentially harmful compounds used in firefighting foam and several consumer products, the company said."

Source: AP, 04/03/2024

"Chocolate Prices To Keep Rising As West Africa’s Cocoa Crisis Deepens"

"Surveying the stripped landscape of her farm - dotted with pools of cyanide-tainted, tea coloured waste water left by illegal gold miners - is enough to make Janet Gyamfi break down. Only last year, the 27-hectare plot in western Ghana was covered with nearly 6,000 cocoa trees. Today, less than a dozen remain."

Source: Reuters, 04/01/2024

"Canoeing in a Superfund Site"

"Paddling in the Gowanus Canal, in Brooklyn, has inspired one recovering lawyer to write poetry about toxic sludge, floating condoms, and gentrification."

Source: New Yorker, 03/29/2024
