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BP's Profits-First Culture Prompts 11 Felony Guilty Pleas, $4.5B Fines

"Citing gross negligence and what it called the company's profits-first culture, the federal government on Thursday announced it had entered into a settlement with BP of all criminal claims stemming from the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, fining the company a record $4.5 billion and securing 11 felony pleas from the company for the 11 people killed in the April 2010 blast."

Source: New Orleans Times-Picayune, 11/16/2012

"Feds Finalize Tribal Eagle Feather Policy"

"FRISCO, Colo. -- Federal officials say that, after consultation with Indian tribes, they’ve clarified a  national policy addressing the right of Native Americans to possess or use eagle feathers for cultural and religious expression."

Source: Summit County Voice, 10/16/2012

"Avian Malaria in Alaska: The Climate Change Connection"

"A team of biologists has just announced the first documented case of bird-to-bird malaria transmission in Alaska. Writing in the journal PLOS ONE, they've shown that this frequently fatal avian illness, which is normally associated with the tropics and temperate areas, may be expanding its range. Fortunately, avian malaria doesn't affect humans, co-author Ravinder Sehgal of San Francisco State University said, but the findings are particularly significant from a bird conservation as well as a climate change standpoint."

Source: Climate Central, 09/21/2012
