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"To Make A Wild Comeback, Cranes Need More Than Flying Lessons"

"When a whooping crane stands up, you notice. At 5 feet in height, it's America's tallest bird. Its wingspan is more than 7 feet, its body snowy white, its wingtips jet black. By the 1940s, the birds had nearly gone extinct. Biologists have worked hard to bring them back, by breeding whoopers in captivity and releasing them in the wild."

Source: NPR, 03/03/2016

"Sage Grouse: Enviros Sue To Force Changes To Federal Plans"

"A coalition of environmental groups has filed a federal lawsuit challenging the Obama administration's sweeping greater sage grouse conservation plans across the West, claiming they are riddled with loopholes, scientific flaws and "political compromises" and won't protect the bird or its habitat."

Source: Greenwire, 02/26/2016

"Landmark Ruling on Sage Grouse Draws Mixed Reviews"

"The greater sage grouse, a bird whose habitat is spread across 11 Western states, has been saved by collaborative conservation effort and won't be listed as endangered or threatened, the Interior Department announced Tuesday."

Source: USA TODAY, 09/23/2015
