Search results

"Lead Kills 1st Yellowstone Golden Eagle Fitted With Tracker"

"The first golden eagle in Yellowstone National Park fitted with a tracking device has died of lead poisoning, likely after consuming bullet fragments while scavenging the remains of an animal killed by a hunter, officials said Monday."

Source: AP, 04/17/2019

"Disputed US Oil And Gas Lease Sale In Wyoming Nets $88M"

"A disputed federal oil and gas lease sale in Wyoming that ended Friday was among the biggest recently in the state, bringing in almost $88 million amid environmental groups’ concern that drilling the public land could imperil migrating wildlife and a ground-dwelling bird."

Source: AP, 03/04/2019

"Death by Fertilizer"

"Nitrogen fertilizer is a disaster. Abandoning it would be a bigger disaster. Now a dozen billionaires are funding an alternative."

Source: Grist, 10/03/2018
