Search results

"Wild Sounds: The Loss of Sonic Diversity and Why It Matters"

"From birdsong in the rainforest to whale calls in the oceans, the world is losing the variety of sounds that enriches life. Habitat loss, species extinctions, and industrial noise all contribute to this sonic loss, which cuts off a vital human connection to the Earth."

Source: YaleE360, 04/04/2022

"Chicken, Turkey Farmers Struggle To Keep Birds Safe From Flu"

"Nearly 7 million chickens and turkeys in 13 states have been killed this year due to avian influenza, prompting officials and farmers to acknowledge that, despite their best efforts, stopping the disease from infecting poultry is incredibly difficult."

Source: AP, 03/16/2022

NIH Reviews Potentially Risky Experiments On Viruses, Other Pathogens

"The National Institutes of Health this week ordered a sweeping review of government policies for experiments involving potentially dangerous viruses and other pathogens, a move the agency said will balance the benefits and risks of such research but is unrelated to the debate over the coronavirus pandemic’s origin."

Source: Washington Post, 03/03/2022
