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EPA Approved Toxic Chemicals for Fracking a Decade Ago, New Files Show

"For much of the past decade, oil companies engaged in drilling and fracking have been allowed to pump into the ground chemicals that, over time, can break down into toxic substances known as PFAS — a class of long-lasting compounds known to pose a threat to people and wildlife — according to internal documents from the Environmental Protection Agency."

Source: NYTimes, 07/12/2021

"Study: Half of US Cosmetics Contain Toxic Chemicals"

"More than half the cosmetics sold in the United States and Canada are awash with a toxic industrial compound associated with serious health conditions, including cancer and reduced birth weight, according to a new study."

Source: AP, 06/16/2021

"‘Forever Chemicals’ Found In Home Fertilizer Made From Sewage Sludge"

"Sewage sludge that wastewater treatment districts across America package and sell as home fertilizer contain alarming levels of toxic PFAS, also known as “forever chemicals”, a new report has revealed. Sludge, which is lightly treated and marketed as “biosolids”, is used by consumers to fertilize home gardens, and the PFAS levels raise concerns that the chemicals are contaminating vegetables and harming those who eat them."

Source: Guardian, 06/01/2021
