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"Laughing Gas Threatens Arctic"

"Nitrous oxide stemming from thawing permafrost poses a more serious global warming threat than previously realized, according to a new study published Sunday in the journal Nature Geoscience."

Source: Post Carbon, 04/06/2010

"NASA Slated To Receive Billions To Study Earth"

"NASA, the agency known for exploring space, will be spending a lot more time studying Earth in the next few years. The Obama administration has proposed a budget for NASA that includes billions of dollars for satellites and other tools to help scientists investigate Earth-bound problems, especially climate change."

Source: NPR, 04/06/2010

"Deal to Save Everglades May Help Sugar Firm"

Florida GOP Governor Charlie Crist's $1.75 billion plan to save the Everglades by buying out a major landowner, United States Sugar, is turning out two years later to be a plan to save U.S. Sugar. The Everglades? -- not so much.

Source: NYTimes, 03/08/2010

"Coal-Ash Sites Polluting Water, Report Says"

"At least 31 more coal-ash impoundments across the country -- including two in West Virginia -- have been found to have polluted nearby groundwater, wetlands and streams, according to a report issued Wednesday by two national environmental groups. The report brings to more than 100 the total number of sites where coal-ash disposal has been linked to contamination of water supplies with toxic pollutants including arsenic, cadmium and selenium."

Source: Charleston Gazette, 02/25/2010

"Government Outlines Great Lakes Fixup Plan"

"The Obama administration has developed a five-year blueprint for rescuing the Great Lakes, a sprawling ecosystem plagued by toxic contamination, shrinking wildlife habitat and invasive species."

Source: AP, 02/22/2010

"Heavy Weather"

"HEAVY WEATHER, a new radio documentary by Barbara Bernstein explores the connections between increasing extreme weather and our changing climate and landscapes. It presents solutions that are community driven, based on decisions we make to change the ways we live and travel. Changes that actually can improve our quality of life."

Source: Heavy Weather, 02/09/2010

"Congress OKs $475M for Great Lakes"

"Congress approved legislation Thursday that includes $475 million to restore the Great Lakes by combating invasive species, cleaning up highly polluted sites and expanding wetlands."

Source: Detroit News, 10/30/2009
