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"Germany To Expand Electric Car Charging Network"

"Germany has unveiled plans to massively boost charging infrastructure for electric vehicles. The €6.3 billion proposal would increase the number of charging points across the country to 1 million by 2030."

Source: DW, 10/20/2022

Exxon’s Houston Carbon Capture Just Got Massive Support from Congress

"Imagine a clean energy future, and you might picture giant turbines twisting in the wind, or electric vehicles zipping quietly down the highway. Fossil fuels become relics, or disappear altogether. ExxonMobil has a different vision. In this story of the future, oil refineries continue to distill crude. Fossil fuel-burning power plants churn away, too."

Source: Inside Climate News, 09/26/2022

Biden Goes To Detroit, Pledges Electrification

"President Biden extolled the potential of electric vehicles to boost the economy and reduce America’s contribution to climate change, and sought to ease worries about the reliability of EV technology, during a speech at the Detroit Auto Show on Wednesday."

Source: Washington Post, 09/15/2022

Remote Mine Could Foretell the Future of America’s Electric Car Industry

"TAMARACK, Minn. — In this isolated town of about 100 people, dozens of employees are at work for Talon Metals, drawing long cylinders of rock from deep in the earth and analyzing their contents. They liken their work to a game of Battleship — each hole drilled allows them to better map out where a massive and long-hidden mineral deposit is lurking below."

Source: NYTimes, 08/30/2022
